Portland Antifa Anarchist Far Left / Leftist Marxist Communist Terrorist Picks Fight With Outlaw Bikers, Then Antifa Member Hailley Nolan Blamed Police When They’re Shot and Disrespected the Gypsy Jokers MC Motorcycle Biker Gang
https://antifawatch.net/Browse/1Imagine the irony when the very same violent Antifa militants who spent the last two years promoting “Defund the Police” now blame those same police for not protecting them when their intended victims fight back.
Antifa in Portland apparently tried their bully tactics on the Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club over the weekend and things turned — surprise! — violent. In the end, with one dead and five more wounded (video), police try to put together just what happened.
Meanwhile Antifa is blaming the police, not themselves for the violence. At the same time, Antifa’s leaders are telling their members and people in general not to talk to the cops, and to pull down social media posts that contain photos and video of what happened…or else.
That sounds like witness intimidation, doesn’t it?
If police really were to blame for what happened, why isn’t Antifa falling all over itself to provide the evidence? After all, these violent extremists love to record their exploits.The Post Millenial has the details . . .
A mass shooting late Saturday night has left one dead and five injured after Portland-area Antifa held a gathering in solidarity with Amir Locke, a 22-year-old black man who was shot by police in Minneapolis earlier this month.
A woman was pronounced deceased at the scene, and two men and three women were taken to nearby hospitals, according to the New York Times. Two suspects are reportedly in custody in response to the shooting, according to KPTV.
The shooting occurred at around 8 pm near Normandale Park.
Tweets from Antifa members and groups told far-left comrades that were present not to talk to police investigating the shooting, to delete evidence posted on social media, and to keep posts including photos, videos, and first-hand accounts related to the incident to a minimum “so that you don’t receive a knock.”
Antifa “journalist” Melissa Lewis, who was a co-plaintiff in a failed frivolous “Antifa troll” lawsuit filed in federal court against The Post Millennial‘s editor-at-large Andy Ngo, said that “[o]ne of us got a chunk of the shooter.”
Antifa in Portland apparently tried their bully tactics on the Gypsy Jokers motorcycle club over the weekend and things turned — surprise! — violent. In the end, with one dead and five more wounded (video), police try to put together just what happened.'
Antifa Hailley Nolan hijacked a Portland Police news conference the next morning and in an incoherent rant, blamed cops for the dead woman and the others who were wounded. The woman, Hailley Nolan breathlessly claimed that white supremacist cops are sending Gypsy Joker motorcycle club members to snatch Antifa members.
“They are sending Gypsy Jokers to kidnap us. They are sanctioning this violence against us. We are dying. We are trying to peacefully protest and they are killing us. And I want to know if any of you care. I want to know if Ted Wheeler cares.”
Local TV station KGW had this:
Hailley Nolan, an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist to Disrespects and Insults the Biker Gangs like the Gypsy Jokers
Hailley Nolan, an Antifa Anarchist Terrorist to Disrespects and Insults the Biker Gangs like the Gypsy Jokers |